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Friday, October 1, 2010

Living Purpose “LP” Entries ~ Same Thing… Different Day

Inspiration: Recent Thoughts and Conversation with God... This poem comes from a couple years ago. Its hard being a friend to those that feels a need to be right on everything. Especially when it comes with the price of hurting others.

Child of God:
Sometimes you have to do it on your own...
Sometimes those who love you can leave you blown...

Frustrated and all you ask yourself... when does it end?
Why can't they say without God they can't win?

I try and I try like Willing Downing sings...
To reach them... so that the bell rings...

I hear their cries... feel their pains...
But when it's say and done... I endure the rains...

But God... you said... My Child, just stop...
You forgot... you by yourself cannot reach the top...

Not without the power I give out to you...
You see, without Me... you can't go... be... or do...

I know how you feel... your upset...
I also know what I will do; My Plan has been set...

So I tell you... take your hands off and Let Me....
Let Me go... do... be...

Be what I have been from the beginning...
The solution... to your issues... the ending...

Let me work out the stress; rebuild your soul...
And for them, I'll try them in fire and make them gold...

But, what I need of you; continue to be an example...
To show your light; let others know that I Am Able...

Press onward with My Plan; keep sowing...
And know that all that you do, you will reap... but you MUST KEEP GOING...

THOUGHT: We can give all the advice in the world; say how we feel about this or that to others. But if it does not fall to the subjection of the Holy Ghost, then we are simply “speaking loud and saying nothing.” (Thanks for that one Charles). But actually we are saying something. With our own tongue we can lift one up or tear one down. Before we speak advice over others, allow God to speak over you. After all, we all got baggage that need to be dealt with. Furthermore, sometimes the best way to help others is to simply pray and ask God to help you.

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