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Monday, October 25, 2010

Lil’ Son Chronicles ~ The Divine Detour @ Sandy Cove (Part 2)

On this past Saturday, I found myself once again sitting out by a big body of water.  Earlier this year it was the Gulf and the Atlantic Ocean while in Cancun.  This time, it was the Chesapeake Bay at Sandy Cove in Maryland.  If you every get a chance, please go.  The view is spectacular.  A blessing that is truly inspirational. 

But anyway, I’m sitting on the bench and listening to the calm water and watching the sunset.  For some reason, I became fixated on the sun’s reflection in the water.  Looking at it was simply amazing.  I mean think about it.  To see God’s work in this matter… and fashion; beautiful.  But it got me thinking.  We can look at something like the sun’s reflection in a body of water and notice its beauty.  Yet sometimes we look at ourselves in a mirror and we only concentrate on the flaws, the mistakes, and the bitterness; hence we look at ourselves as rejection.

But the reflection of the sun in my opinion served as a reminder to me.  I can recall a time when I would look myself in the mirror and feel I had nothing to offer and didn’t feel that I added to my life or anyone’s life.  And many of us feel that way at times.  The brokenness, the pain of the past, the anger… but when you look in that mirror there’s something else that’s there are well. 

Spiritually, when we look at our reflections, shouldn’t we be able to see Christ? After, we are Children of God; Brothers and Sisters of Jesus Christ, called by His Name.  We are made in His Image… therefore; when you see yourself in the mirror… don’t focus on the negative… You are still here.  You have a voice.  A voice that can save a soul.  You matter to someone.  Your mom, dad, husband, wife, children and friends… even the unknown.  Your life can lead one to their deliverance. 

Here’s a poem that I wanted to try. 

The Reflection… 

A reflection can tell a lot…
From the abstract colors to a simple blemish or spot…

For years and years, I was ashamed to look at me…

Ashamed, because I felt within me… there was no good deed…
Satan said look… your worthless… hence you will be my seed…

And even with that, I still would look at my reflection and see…
All the things that I desire to do and to be…

And then there was a time when I looked…
Only to see a demonic being within that had me shook…

At this point I was going down…
Vincent was dying and Lucifer had me bound…

But once again, I heard a voice…
A voice that said you have a choice…

The choice to look at another reflection…
But what was the point… I only would see rejection…

But His voice called out to me…
God said, My son… don’t forget what you can be…

Remember, I created you and love you most…
I will never leave you; stay by you close…

Years would pass and through God I would gain…
Yet, He reminds me of His Power through the past; the pain…

It was Saturday afternoon when I saw a reflection…
A reflection that cause me to fall under subjection…

The creation of the sun; as it kisses the sea…
Reminding me of the Son; who died for me…

I am reminded that all I endured…
Christ died for me; so one day I would be pure…

Ahh, the things you see in the reflection…
The way He reminds us; we’re His Selection…

It’s true; a reflection can tell a story…

From the pain of the world… the enemy of Satan…the worry
Yet it all works together in God and now I represent His Glory

And so when I look in the mirror, I see more than me…
How Mary Mary put it…. It is the God in me…

Father God:
Thank You for who You are in me.  Thank You for You are Love… Thank You for everything… Thank You for giving me back me…
In Jesus Christ Name… Amen …

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