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Friday, August 15, 2008

Lil’ Son Chronicles ~ A Work Week of Test(imonies)

Inspirations: Conversations with my God brothers (Thanks Rollo and Re-Run LOL!!!) ... phone conversations on Wednesday (Thanks Gloria!) Thursday (Thanks Perry!) ... Folks Work... A Worthy Cause... Family... and most important... The Word of God...

Psalm 91:1 - He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

Matthew 5:43-45 - 43 "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

This work week has been quite an interesting week for me. Everyday this work week I’ve learned a new lesson...

Monday. Take the risk for the next level. While it may not always go as you expect, be thankful that you have taken that chance. If you never take the chance to get a yes or a no, you’ll regret that you never asked.

Tuesday. Doing the smallest things (or so we view them at times) can truly be a blessing to many. Don’t take for granted God’s purpose for you to be a blessing to someone else.

Wednesday. Matthew 5:44 and Psalm 91:1. God will give the peace you need to deal with the hell that comes against you. God also will send someone your way right on time to give you a word, which goes back to my first sentence... “God will give the peace you need to deal with the hell that comes against you.”

Thursday. There’s a time to speak and a time to be an ear. More times listening will do 2 things. One, it will give that person that is venting or talking a therapeutic way to clear their spirit. Two, remind you of past or possibly current issues that you are dealing/deal with; therefore, being humbled. Also, we don’t always have the answers and sometimes it’s not necessary to voice our opinions... but all the time... ask that person, “would you like me to pray for you and with you?”

Today. That in spite of everything that comes against us... the key thing is worship and praise to God. No matter what is going on, DO NOT FOCUS OF THE PROBLEM... FOCUS ON HOW IF YOU PRAISE and WORSHIP GOD IN THE MIDST OF THAT PROBLEM, HE CAN GET THE GLORY AND IN TURN YOU ARE GLORIFIED TOO... IF YOU LIFT THE LORD UP... HE WILL LIFT YOU UP TO THE NEXT LEVEL...

THOUGHT: Individually, we all deal with situations differently. But I feel that in everyone... there’s a breaking point when you say to yourself... enough is enough... it’s time to step out on faith... work that faith... come into God’s presence... invoke His presence with praise and worship... and cut off this one that claim they “love me” and that one that claim “they are my friend” and this financial set back and that drug addiction and these suicide attempts and all that mess. Eventually you get to the point of I’m out of this ... and over that. For me I had to come to that conclusion in 2006... and today I can truly say that I’m out the hell that enemy tried to flood me with and I’m over the frustration that the hell caused me... Now the question I propose to you.... WHEN IS ENOUGH.... ENOUGH???? THINK ABOUT IT...

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