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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Living Purpose "LP" Entries ~ Make It Happen

Inspiration: Living Purpose Class, Mariah Carey – Make It Happen (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QITdExXCi9M)…

Back in the 1990s, Mariah Carey hit the music scene with a range that will mess yo’ walk up. Many of her songs from then dealt with love, but some also dealt with inspiration. One song in particular that fuses, pop, Christian music, and the Gospel is Make It Happen.

I’d like to think of this song as Mariah’s Testimony, because of the words. But in a nutshell, she’s made the declaration to trust God and know that He will “Make It Happen.” Wouldn’t it be something if we could simply trust God and know that He will make “it” happen? Regardless if we know what the “it” is, but we believe God anyhow. Believe God will make all things happen according to His Plan and you role in relationship with Him.

Here’s an earlier entry I wrote 3 years ago…

Testimony... Just Thankful

As sit today, my mind reflects on situations and events that brought pain and shame and how God brought me out. I thought how many of us attend church and the fundamental thing that pastors speak on is if you have a bad situation, God will turn things around.

Well we hear that and get all pumped up and in time God does just what He says. Yet, further down the line, once again, we are up against a new wall. And we go back to church and get pumped up again and the cycle goes on and on.

So what’s missing? This year alone, I think I’m really starting to understand more about this Christian walk. I talk to several people and read how folks are dealt cards that they were force to play. And sometimes, I look at myself and see the cards God has dealt me; some days the hand looks like its trump tight and other days the hand looks like its missing spades. But I can’t throw it back in.

And yet the hand that I do have may have something that someone else’s doesn’t have and their hand may have something that mines doesn’t have. Yes, we all are created in God’s image, but it’s our journey with the Lord that defines our uniqueness.

There are days, I ask myself, “V, what is your motivation?” LOL... and that’s not to put myself down but sometimes we need to be reminded of one thing. That is no matter what happens, God never changes.
But at times we need to do a self evaluation. Rather sometimes, we need to ask God to search us. Remove all that is constantly trying to change us for the bad and put in place His never-changing love.

We wonder, why must I be alone, why did she/he have to die, when will it end, how do I bounce back? Understand that in middle of the trial, God is with you. Understand that, you have been here before... You have been here, when you know what pain is. It may be on a different magnitude but it’s the same feeling. You dealt with it and overcame it before and now you can do the same thing again. Recently I found out that a position that I applied for did not come through. But that’s a blessing. It was something that I wanted, but God knows what I need. Now at first, I started to become upset, but I had to stop and think back. The current job that I am at now was part of God’s plan. And it was in the works for a long time, when I didn’t have a job and was really going through. During that time, I was really hurting, but God kept me thru the pain and suffering. Notice what I said, “God kept me thru the pain and suffering.” For so long I was praying to get a new job that after a while, all I could do was dwell on pain. Everything and everyone was against me. And yet, the Lord simply gave me joy. And it wasn’t in the job. It’s in my spirit.

Today, I am grateful for everything, but forget about the job and house and money and car and all the tangible things. I thank God for Jesus. The love, joy, peace; intangible. That’s worth more than anything. Think about it ya’ll... The intangible is so much more lucrative than the tangible. Once we realize that the intangible is priority, we can then be in right relationship with God.

If you had told me that at 26, I would really start to understand this relationship with God more so, I wouldn’t believe you. But I gotta tell ya, God is truly amazing and each day it gets better for us all that we blessed to see.

Fast forward to today, at 29, all I can say, with God leading… I’m making it happen. But more so, by believing in God, he’s making it happen…

THOUGHT: It’s simple. Trust God, Love God… stay in relationship with God and watch how He makes it happen…

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