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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Living Purpose “LP” Entries – Assistance via Discernment…

Inspirations ~ Brandy – Right Here (Departed) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzwoJ10UyO0&feature=av2e and …

Romans 15:1-2 (Message Bible) – Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, “How can I help?”

I think most of us have gone through an exercise in where there’s the trust factor. You know the one when someone stands behind you and you free fall back; trusting that they will catch you. Of course there’s apprehension because you hope that the person behind you has your back. In my generation, we say or ask, “Yo’ you got my light weight mane?” or simply, “You got me?” It’s funny, because we say that we are there for others, but either paints the picture of words only, or we do too much and make one dependent. In either case, we are commissioned to help others. But how do we do that without reneging on our word or going beyond the call of duty?

Last night during class there was a discussion about how to keep the focus on the voice of God when everything seems to be going crazy. It can indeed be a challenge to focus on God, especially when you have those that desire to see you fall. But something that I have heard many times and experienced many times; “When you live this life for God, expect the attacks.” When God promotes you, the challenges are increased… but the key is God. As long as He is first… you will always be victorious.

I have a lot of admiration for these four individuals, Pastor Jay & Latricia Cameron and Pastor Quinton “PQ” and Ginger Savage. One thing that amazes me about them is that they are doers of God’s Word. They genuinely want people to experience who God is. But like all of us, they to experience their challenges as well and the fact they are always humble motivates me to stay grounded and focused on what’s real; God. From the world standards; pastors, first ladies, deacons, and so forth are considered “superhuman” always praying for the congregation, but it’s a blessing to pray for them as well. They pour out a lot; spiritually, mentally, and physically. And we as Children of God; regardless of titles, should always have a heart to stand in the gap for someone else.

These two verses (Romans 15: 1-2) mean a lot to me. When I read them, I think of my family, friends, fraternity, church families, and people I may not even know. For each of us we are at both ends of the spectrum. Ms. Margaret (my grandmother) always says (still to this day), “LIFE IS A ROPE. SOMETIMES YOU WILL HAVE TO PULL SOMEBODY UP AND SOMETIMES YOU WILL HAVE TO BE PULLED UP.” I thank God for the strength that He has given me. I am a completely different person today vs. five years ago. And with that, I realize that I have various strengths that can be used help others, but there are still areas where others can help me improve on. NEVER GET TO A POINT THAT YOU FEEL YOU CAN NOT BE HELPED. NONE OF US KNOW IT ALL. EVEN WITH ALL THE DEGREES, CERTIFICATIONS, AND ACCOLADES, WE STILL HAVE NOTHING, IF GOD IS NOT FIRST AND HE DOESN’T GET THE GLORY.

Furthermore, THE TRIALS THAT COME; do not run from them. EMBRACE THEM. We heard this before; God brought you to it and will bring you through it. The key is, He will bring you through it. As mentioned in class, seek God and ask Him how to govern yourself in the midst of the circumstance. God has given you the AUTHORITY to speak into that situation; to trust in Him always and know that He is building character and integrity in you.

Here’s another thought: SMILE… I harp on this all the time, but seriously, SMILE. You are alive and blessed beyond measure. Show those pretty white teeth off. That alone is a demonstration of your strength in this Christian walk and how it can lift someone up who is facing a hard time.

Now I must say this: HELP, BUT DO IT WITH GODLY DISCERNMENT. We mean well, maybe too well at times. We want to help others, but we don’t go to God and ask Him, how do I help? He may simply say pray and then I’ll instruct you on the next step. But many of us will go and “DO TOO MUCH” and then get our feelings hurt when results don’t occur like you want. Well here’s a newsflash… THIS IS NOT YOUR SHOW… THIS IS GOD’S WORK and He simply extended the invitation to you, so that you could have an opportunity to participate in His Work. More so, He invited you in so that you can be covered. So before you decide to help that person…. Make sure this is something God wants.

THOUGHT: We are all God’s creations. And He desires the best for each of us. Sometimes He will motivate us directly, but sometimes it appears He will motivate us through using others. Be grateful that God is using you to be a blessing to something. It really is a high honor. But in helping others, make sure that you remain in the position so that you can hear from God on how to help and how far to go.

Father God: I thank You for who You are. I am humbled that You would use a wretch like me. Even when I didn’t think I could provide assistance… You remind me that my very life is an effective example for many… as those You’ve place in my life as an example to me. Lord, I ask that You bless Pastor Jay & Latricia Cameron… bless Pastor Quinton & Ginger Savage. Lord, I thank You for using them to preach Your Word. I thank You for the example they show. Lord, You know what they stand in the need of. May they remain in position for You, so that they can be effective as husbands, wives, parents, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, friends, ministers… but most importantly, Your Children. Father God, I ask that You bless my family, my fraternity brothers… coworkers… church members… and so on. You know what we stand in need of Lord. You know what we need in order to be stable in You. Lord, may our mindset line up with You, so that we can be the Chosen People You ordain and commission.

In Jesus Christ, I Pray… Amen.

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