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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dollar$ & $en$e – The Budget…

Well, I have finished with my reading assignments for class #1.  Pretty good book with some good information.  And yet, I feel a bit overwhelmed.  Part of the homework assignment was to complete a form in the workbook titled, “The Basic Quickie Budget.”  You may see or feel the concern now.  I had to sit down and ask myself, “What would be the total monthly necessities and could I really swing it when I add in the addition stuff.”  Mind you I’m including in the impending mortgage (whenever I close lol). 

Let’s start with the book.  So in the last entry, I talk about how we are to start an emergency fund of $1000 dollars.  Well with much prayer that is continuous, I think I will be able to do a $1000, maybe not quite by the end of the November but at good jump start.  In the book we were told for an emergency fund; do a savings or money market savings account with check writing capability.  Okay makes sense, but I do have a CD.  Just started back in April of this year and I’m debating on maybe getting that up to $3000, and then pull a $1000 out and set up my emergency fund.  Granted doing this will take longer than the end of the month and so, I’ll just start off with a new savings account of $100 and work my way from there.  God give me strength.

Now, the budget.  The basic quickie budget is designed to break down the necessities one will need to sustain throughout the month.  I did two budgets.  One without the mortgage was not bad, the one with the mortgage was not bad either, but I know I will need to pay off my car and credit cards to have a bit more breathing room… unless a promotion comes along.  But it wasn’t too intimidating to do. 

Another thing the book mentioned was the G.O.K. fund (GOD ONLY KNOWS FUND).  I like to think of it as an emergency fund… that God has prepared if we have a situation.  Granted the fund can only start when I agree to participate in His Work of creating one.  Meaning, I have to be willing to say NO to Starbucks, happy hours, eating out, shopping, and all the extracurricular activities that can put me in further debt.  I think I will, at some point, sit down and look over my checking account.  See how much I spend in extra stuff that isn’t needed, and then take it from there.  

Father God:  I thank You for this day.  Another opportunity to put into motion the right things.  Lord, this is not going to be easy for me.  Seeing that You know my heart, I am scared of how all of this will turn out.  What emergencies could lie ahead?  Am I preparing enough?  All of these questions.  It’s a lot for a 29 year old.  And yet, I am reminded of Living Purpose:  Don’t focus on the circumstances, focus on the TRUTH.  And Lord, You are the Truth…  I’m holding onto that and will make a better effort to seek YOU, trust YOU, and be OBEDIENT to YOU.  Lord, I know that I am not alone in this tough subject matter; FINANCES.  And so LORD, I ask that YOU meet my class mates wherever they are in need when it comes to their money issues and their overall life.  Take care of them God… Have Your Way In their life.

In Jesus Christ,

Day #6 down… 85 days to go and a lifetime of prosperity in God…

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