On yesterday, my mom celebrated her birthday. In risk of getting cut, I won’t say her age (ha-ha), but I will say she does not look her age. More like 10-15 years younger. But this entry is all about Mom...
Rose Marie... girl what can I say? Thank you. You know mom, I have quite of few frat brothers, female friends and best friends who had rocky relationships with their moms. Some didn’t know their mom, while others wished that their mom were dead. But I must say I can never harbor thoughts like that, because of the person that you are.
As a child, you made the sacrifices. And yeah, part of it was because you didn’t want Erika, Monique, and I to go without. But I think there was more behind it. You and Dad had your disagreements like any marriage and yet the two you agreed that the three of us knuckleheads would not be statistics, but rather... stand up and are a voice in this generation.
With Dad, it was Grover
But as a child, I was Lil’ Son. I knew every morning around 6AM, “Lil’ Son... time to get up.” (ha-ha)
As I got older, we would talk about a lot; some I understood... some I didn’t... but it was all genuine and seeds that would be beneficial later in life.
As an adult, I now am “jumping from monkey vine to monkey vine.” But the leaps are a lil’ easier. Because of the sacrifices you made for me... the lessons you taught me... the wisdom you provided... the discipline you ordered... this all has helped to shape me from Lil’ Son... to Son... to Vince... to Vincent Jr.
Momma, I praise God for using you... For picking you to be my mother. While times weren’t always good.... the good always out weighed the bad.
And now, God has granted you another year on this earth. For all the wonder things you have done and you do now... it is my prayer that God would bless you beyond measure as you have and continue to bless me.
To me you have the strength of Esther... the determination of Ruth... and a heart for God. I’m sure Erika and Monique would agree that you are our Queen of Hearts and that we are so grateful for your nurturing. I know sometimes you sit back and wonder how the three of us have got so far... And it’s because of you and Dad. I know I can’t fully speak for Erika & Monique (seeing they’re girls and have their own daughter-mom thoughts), but I your son... say Thank You.
Father God,
I thank You for both of my parents... but this woman from You Lord... I give You praise and Honor. Lord I know that the enemy tries to wages obstacles against her, but Lord... renew her strength daily... anoint her daily... remind her always that You are with her... You Love her and that all that she has done for her family and friends and strangers... that You will bless 100 times over... I claim it now....
In Jesus Name...

P.S. Thanks Momma for your continuous unconditional love. Hope you enjoyed your birthday!!!
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