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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lil’ Son Chronicles ~ The Call of the Anointing...

This past weekend I attended a conference, “The Hook Up.” Very good conference indeed. It was a blessing in more ways than I can imagine.

It’s amazing that as men, we tend to hold back on our feelings. We always been told that boys don’t cry and to man up. But let’s be real. Why is that the case? Why is it okay for a woman to show emotion and for a man not to?

My thought on this is that, I think men do show emotions but in some cases it may come across wrong. As well as for women. Women tend to be bit more comfortable with showing emotions, but it too can be twisted because of how others view what is said. But here are some scenarios... draw your own conclusions...

Scenario #1. A young boy is raised by his mother and has 2 other brothers. He’s the baby, so traditionally he would get spoiled. But that’s not the case. You see, his mother has always been the other woman and because she is proud to be the other woman, the young boy never gets the opportunity to know what a real father is like. Nonetheless he mans up and keeps it moving. His childhood is challenging because his older brothers are too enduring the selfishness of their mom and the oldest leaves upon receiving his high school diploma. He never returns. The middle son... well he starts to see the light somewhat, but he realizes that his baby brother will suffer the most. Because of this... the middle son makes a sacrifice so that baby son can live. By God’s grace and mercy, the baby son is introduced to what he considers today to be his family sent from heaven above. This family, wholesome... is filled with love and support. He becomes apart of the family and they introduce him to another way of life.

Today this young boy is a young man. A young man of who is very prosperous in his career and life in general, as far as a nice home and car. And the most important thing is that he has not forgotten where he comes from. Today this young man still wrestles with challenges of the past and present; hence, he starts to deal with his emotions. Such a difficult task because, he is reminded of his brothers and the fellas and how “a real man” doesn’t cry.

But because of how life has presented itself to him, he is forced to do what society says is not normal. Instead of the choices of society, he chooses God. God has given him a gift in where he is able to take control of a situation and come up with a solution... the gift to teach others how to turn your pressure into praise. And through this gift, God has given him grace and mercy and in time will do the impossible in him.

Scenario #2. For over 30 years, a man has been told to act a certain way and he will fit the norm of society. If not, he then faces ridicule all around. But you see, it’s a constant battle because he has been internally scarred because someone that he trusted, violated him so long ago. Who he looked to for love and support; as a father figure... violated him in the worse way. Today this man deals with trying to figure out who he is and why this event occurred to him.

And so he tries to find the answer in him and in her and in alcohol and drugs and any outlet that will give him a sense of security... that is until one day.

After he took his hit of heroin and drank himself into oblivion... after he finished sexing any and everything he could find... he realized something. He was alone... alone with company. The company of spirits... Spirits that meant him no good and wanted to kill... steal, and destroy him. What’s scary is that he can see these spirits... What’s the blessing is that he can see these spirits. Scary because the human side is fearful... A blessing because... in turn God has given him spiritual eyes to see evil and if he can grab a hold of the power that God has given him... he will be able to rebuke each and every spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. The fear in him gives him the opportunity to cry out of pain of the past... the events and the strain... But the spirit man within that now can grow... breaks through the barriers and sees the tears as a sign of nourishment... Nourishment, for God has placed an anointing on this man and finally the anointing has been awakened.

Today... at 43... he is a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And while he has been given a call to preach... he possesses a special gift to see spirits and a special gift to discern.

Scenario #3. As a child, she was chosen early by God to be unique in every way. You see, as an infant, she scared her parents for she could see things that others could not. Yes... her spiritual eyes were truly enhanced for she saw heavenly angels. From infancy to now... she is encamped with angels all around her.

Satan was aware of this... so he tried to attack the spirit woman within by using the past of a father that wanted nothing to do with her and the spirit of alcoholism to attack her stepfather. The biggest blow was her sister and mother... you see this girl was with a man off and on and while she was “in love”, her sister and mother... made things worse because they felt that he was all wrong for her. And while they may have been true... nature took its course.

Eventually she was face with a baby and basically being a single parent. And while she had some rough times, she did make a decision to use this situation to overcome. She then was reminded of her gift from childhood. The gift to see beyond the physical eye. And in through that gift, the gifts of nurturing and leadership came from God.

Today she is successful woman of God with a ministry to coordinate major events and most importantly share the love of God with all. She too is an example to follow for she accepted a challenge from God to be a holy and acceptable vessel only to be used by God so that she can go to the next level in God... as well as her family, friends and this world.


These are partially fictional... but who knows you might find yourself in bits and pieces of the scenarios. I guess the point that I want to make it this:

Everyone has gifts and talents... they can be used for good or evil. And then everyone is anointed... Which I believe is another realm... I feel that the anointing can only be used for God’s Work. Satan is aware of this and so he will send spirits and devices one’s way to deter one from operating and growing in the anointing.

But be reminded...

That you are special in everyway. There are many challenges that we all face and we feel that what we deal with, is too much to bear. However, God reminds us that we have the power to bear the challenges and more. As of matter of fact, we have the power to speak into those challenges and cast them out.

THOUGHT: This past weekend... I was told, (by a woman who knows nothing about me), that some things were meant to kill, steal and destroy me, but those plans have been voided. As well as the ministry in is coming forth and it will be a blessing. I spoke to my grandmother about this and she talked about how foremothers and forefathers within the family were ministers and preachers. She also spoke on how my great-grandmother said that my dad would be a preacher. I didn’t see that for he has died, but maybe a preacher in heaven. Nonetheless one of my big brothers said something that brings things full circle:

Vincent, you have the opportunity that some in your lineage didn't have, and some aborted. A mantle has been passed down to you; from another place in the generations on one side of your family...I don't know which one. But, someone didn't fulfill what they were supposed to fulfill, and it searched through your genealogy, for someone who would be receptive and capable to finish what should have been. This came to you, and you are in the prime for it coming to pass. So, gird yourself up, stay focused and open and you will see the Mighty Hand of God work in your life in ways unimagined.... - Thanks Alan...

And what this confirms is what was told me on Saturday... what was told by the lady at the jewelry store (years ago)... that indeed there’s a word in me that God planted and it’s time for it to grow and bear fruit. I guess now I’m in the process of killing off the weeds lol... but that’s good too.

I say all this to say that, God hasn’t forgotten about the anointing on you. After all He placed it on you. The wilderness situation is there for a reason. You are killing the weeds that are surrounding your seed. And eventually, with the nourishment of God’s love... the sprout will come and before you realize, the tree trunk will be firm. And before you realize it... you will bear the fruit that will heal... deliver... and set free many...

And don’t be scared... I know right now, it is hard times... but the weeds are being killed for a reason... after all... you can’t grow if your soil is not fertile....

Think about it...

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